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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm home again

Its hard to believe how fast everything happened.  I had the surgery on Monday and I came home today, Wednesday.

I woke up on Monday with a urinary catheter which was nice because I didn't need to get out of bed to use the bathroom.  My output was pretty minimal so they loaded me up with lots of IV fluids.  They said I needed 5 liters of fluid.  The next day they weighed me and I was TEN POUNDS HEAVIER than before the surgery.  I said "wait a minute here.  I'm supposed to LOSE weight not gain".

My college chemistry professor liked to say "a pint's a pound the world around"  If you do the math five liters (about five quarts) is about ten pints of fluid and thus ten pounds.  When I got out of bed I felt inflated like the Michelin Man.  Part of that feeling was due to air which is used to inflate the abdomen so the surgeon has room to work.  Now I'm trying to get rid of all the excess air and soon (according to one of my friends that had the surgery) I will need to camp out in the bathroom for a while when all the fluid decides to come out.  So I will not be going to any parties for the next few days.  I won't be any fun to be around.

I do feel less bloated today than yesterday.  I've been enjoying clear liquids today and tomorrow I begin with the protein supplements and can have other sugar-free liquids, pudding and popsicles.  OOH!  I stay on that regimen for the next three weeks till I go back to see Dr. Choi.  After that I get to have pureed food.  MMMM.  I'll start chewing again around September.

Thanks to all who called, visited and sent messages.  I appreciate the support.  I'm sure there will be some rough days ahead but good results for the future.


1 comment:

  1. My sister-in-law had this surgery (or similar) last year and has been happy with the results.

    I appreciate reading the details of your experience. Thank you for sharing them. You have my best wishes for success!

    Much love,
