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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Anniversary Waltz

Well, I'm not actually waltzing but a couple of days ago I reached my second anniversary of my gastric bypass. I had my yearly follow-up visit with my surgeon's office.  They feel I'm doing fine in spite of the fact that I've gained a few pounds.  According to the official office scale I'm up 14 lbs from my lowest.  For me its a warning beacon to start working harder because  I want to lose about sixty more pounds.

There are habits I need to break but I haven't gone completely wacko here.  I still abstain from carbonated beverages which could inflate my pouch.  I've had a little sugar here and there but I don't go crazy.  I don't drink fluids during or right after meals.  I still exercise!  I faithfully get to the gym a minimum of three days per week.  This past week I've doubled my reps on my weight training.  I sometimes walk laps at the school track.  One day I actually jogged a little in the last quarter of the lap.  I try to skip the high impact stuff but I felt good enough to jog a little that day.

I've been scheduled for a visit with the dietitian in a couple of weeks.  I think a little tune up will do me good.  Besides I want to learn more about carbs.  Some packages talk about net carbs.  So some don't count?  Does this make any difference?  Hopefully I'll get some insight here.

I'm scheduled for some extensive dental work next week.  I have several problem teeth that were negatively affected by my diabetes.  I know I don't really chew properly.   I think if I get my teeth in better shape I'll be able to chew my food better instead of swallowing too soon.

It's discouraging to backslide but if I look at old pictures of myself I'm reminded that I've come a long, long way.  I got my life back.  Thanks Dr. Choi.  Thanks to all my doctors who encouraged me to have my weight loss surgery.  Thanks to all my family and friends who supported my efforts.

Love to all,
Marlena of Mohegan