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Friday, August 6, 2010

Let's see if this works.

Yesterday, Thursday, I had my upper endoscopy.  Dr. B. said the outlet from my new stomach was too narrow for the scope to fit through.  The diameter was 10 millimeters.  With a balloon, he dilated it to 16 mm.  Hopefully this will allow the pills to progress further than before.  He said I might need another dilation at some point.  I am very happy to find out that I had an obstruction rather than a psychological problem.  Hopefully this will put an end to my problems with chuck (you know who he is by now). 

I also have a resolve to SLOW DOWN when I eat.  I've been a rapid eater for a long time partly because I'm lucky if I even get lunch at work let alone linger over it.  I am not a morning person either.  On my way out of the house in the morning my routine was to throw the handful of pills down my throat as I'm rushing out the door.  I'd grab an Egg McMuffin and a Diet Coke at you-know-where and eat in the car.  All of this is not going to work anymore.

I saw a quote from Jean Nidetch, the founder of Weight Watchers, Inc. "Overweight people never let go of their fork. They hold it when they are talking. They hold it when they are chewing. I discovered that is one of the secrets. Let go of the instrument that made you fat"  Its true, we do not place the fork down on the plate and carefully chew and savor each mouthful.  If I have paraphrased this idea in a previous blog entry, please forgive me.  It certainly bears repeating. 

I am about to take some of my pills for the first time in a week.  Wish me luck.  I have to say though that my blood pressure was pretty darn good even if I haven't had my medication.  I'm gonna ask my doctor if maybe I can eliminate one of my blood pressure pills. 

Love to all,
Marlena of Mohegan. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope your dilation is working and that you can stop hanging out with chuck. What a tiresome fellow he must be!

    I want to try to make your cute little cheese souffle. I wonder if my kids would like it.
