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Monday, February 21, 2011

New clothes show off the new me.

We do secret santas at my job every year..  I never found out who mine was but my gift was a gift card for Life Uniform Shop.  I finally got around to going there this week and got myself something new to wear to work.  I couldn't believe all the positive comments I received when I wore this outfit!  I guess my baggy old scrubs have got to go.  One person said it was good to see me wearing something that isn't hanging on me.  Another person said how she was glancing around the room and couldn't find me in the crowd at first.  I must say that in a bustling  room during a trauma alert or major cardiac event it is much easier to move around these days.  Thanks to all for the encouraging words and belated thanks to my secret santa for the perfect gift.

I also got new eyeglasses this week.  I tried to get frames that were more fashionable than my old ones.  I brought my hubby with me to help me pick them out.  I remember the last time I did that I swore that the next time I would bring my daughter instead because hubby is not help in this area.  Oh well, next time for sure.

I'm still hitting the gym three days per week.  Tonight I'm having some leg cramps.  I did the bicycle again today.  I get rather bored doing the bike.  I have earbuds to use for the TV but I think I need to put some exercise music on my MP3 player.

I made some healthy lentil soup today.  It was a recipe from Shelly's blog "The World According to Eggface"
It was really delicious.  Please visit her blog and check out her recipes.

Love to all,
Marlena of Mohegan

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