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Friday, December 30, 2011

Its Resolution Time Again!

Christmas 2011 has come and gone.  Last year I wanted to reach the goal of 100 lbs lost and I made it.  This year I've lost another 73 lbs.  I did not really have a specific goal in mind for this year but I did want to securely break through the plateau I've been at all through the autumn months.  I'm not so sure its completely behind me yet but I will continue striving to leave it in the dust.

A friend I know from work had a gastric bypass right before Thanksgiving.  She is back to work now and looks great!  She's down 30 pounds.  She said she kept away from people around Thanksgiving and still feels somewhat awkward around holiday foodfests.  I have to say that I no longer feel out of place at the family holiday table or anywhere else.  I can eat most of what everyone else eats with a few exceptions.  I've just adjusted to my plate having tiny portions of everything. I don't touch the desserts and really don't miss them.  I did eat a few Christmas cookies and had about 5 or 6 Hershey Kisses. (I actually claimed to one friend that I did not eat one piece of candy all season but I'd forgotten about those kisses.) I was worried that I might have gained yet I was hearing people tell me I looked thinner.  Well, the scale told me I was down another two pounds!

I went back to the gym this week after taking a hectic Christmas week off.  I enjoyed the relative peace at the gym because very few people were there.  Next week starts the New Year's resolution onslaught.  In January the gyms are crowded to the max.  You can't find a parking space or a vacant machine.  I saw a commercial tonight for Weight Watchers new campaign for male members.  Former NBA All-star Charles Barkley, who has struggled with weight issues, is the spokesperson.  This is a new direction for WW as mostly women show up at the meetings.

One of my friends has vowed to lose 100 lbs this year.  We had an interesting conversation about setting goals.  This friend sets finite goals with specific details about daily, weekly and monthly progress.  I was less than enthusiastic of this method because I feel that once the big goal is reached then behavior reverts to previous bad habits. My friend has a solution for this.  About a month shy of the set goal, a NEW goal is set continuing the reason to keep working.  This, to my friend, is better than perpetual lack of indulgences.  What ever works for you, I'm happy to be supportive.

In my earlier life I've given up smoking, drinking alcohol, tea and coffee.  I've always felt that those were easier to do without than certain foods.  One either is or is not a smoker.  The same applies to alcohol, caffeinated drinks and for that matter, recreational drugs.  While the latter was never a problem for me it certainly is for lots of people. I feel I've made permanent lifestyle changes that I will keep doing and don't plan on stopping anything when I get to a certain point. I really don't need desserts. I can have a sugar-free pudding or popsicle and be fine! (I really like that they've started printing calorie count on restaurant dessert menus. That way I know just how much I'm resisting.)

 I can't forget how miserable I was before my weight loss surgery.  I am back to shopping for clothes in regular stores instead of plus-size shops.  I'm no fashionista but at least I don't need Omar the Tentmaker anymore!

Happy New Year!
Love to all,
Marlena of Mohegan


  1. You look so amazing in this picture! I'm so proud for you, and for all the work you've put in. Congratulations. Hope to see you in the fall.

  2. Thanks Alan. I feel amazing. I'm looking forward to singing with you again!
