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Sunday, October 31, 2010

On Halloween Eve I bought a new broom!

Don't worry, I'm not planning to ride the broom tonight.  Here I am on the first chocolate holiday of the year.  I've had nary a Junior Mint.  I have not tried even one piece of candy since my surgery.  There was that fortune cookie I ate a couple of months ago but that's the closest thing I've had. 

Oh, you say, you've never heard of the chocolate holidays?  I invented the term to describe all holidays for which there is a chocolate candy specifically made for that day.  Naturally there are no chocolate holidays in the summer because of the hot weather.  So Halloween starts off the season which includes Thanksgiving (foil covered turkeys), Hanukkah (chocolate  gelt coins), Christmas for chocolate Santas, Valentines Day and Easter.  Mother's day marks the end of the season not for specific Mother's day treats but just because so many of us get a box of candy when the kids can't think of anything else to buy.  There are now colored M&M's and festively wrapped Hershey Kisses for most of these holidays too.

You must have surmised by now that I am a chocoholic.  I admit it.  I'm in recovery though.  I have not cheated because of the threat of the dreaded dumping syndrome.  I have had chocolate protein powder and protein drinks.  There is sugar free Nestle's Quik for chocolate milk, sugar free fudgesicles and chocolate sugar free pudding.  I've also had sugar free hot cocoa since the weather has turned colder. 

I don't know why I could never have had this strength of will before my surgery.  I've had too many years of chocolate overload.  This year I handed out candy to the trick or treaters and did not even try to smell a candy bar.  It didn't kill me.  It didn't even hurt.  I can do this thing.  I feel great.

Love to all,
Marlena of Mohegan

1 comment:

  1. Way to go!
    Great job getting through the first of the Chocolate Holidays!
